
Local Missions

Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp. The camp located between Coeur d’Alene and Sandpoint is devoted to preaching the Gospel of Christ to people of all ages and to making disciples of Jesus Christ. The camp is dedicated to providing a God-centered environment for Biblical teaching, evangelism, and missions. Each year, kids from HBC attend camp, and several HBC teenagers serve as summer missionaries. HBC partners with the camp to train teens who serve as summer missionaries.

Juvenile Justice OutreachLed by executive director Jackson Lanterman, this ministry brings gospel encouragement and mentoring to youth in the area’s juvenile justice system. The deteriorating mental and behavioral health of our children is largely caused by a lack of close connections to others, as well as a lack of deep connections to moral and spiritual meaning. JJO offers nurturing relationships as a core principle for each child’s development. For more information, go to www.juvenilejusticeoutreach.com. Jackson Lanterman, Chaplain at the Kootenai County District 1 Juvenile Detention Center, jacksonwithjjo@gmail.com or (208) 292-7955. 

Open Arms Pregnancy Center. This outreach to those facing unplanned pregnancies is HBC’s primary local mission in terms of financial support. Open Arms Pregnancy Care Center and Real Choices Clinic is a Christ-centered ministry revealing God’s design for human life, sexual integrity, and reproductive health. The ministry helps individuals in northern Idaho make life-affirming choices through education, compassionate support, and pregnancy-related services. Open Arms is nonprofit, nonpolitical, and nondenominational. Its medical staff offers lab-quality pregnancy testing, limited obstetric ultrasounds, and medically current options information. Trained peer advocates provide education and classes on pregnancy, parenting, and post-abortive support.    Open Arms can be reached at (208) 667-5433, at www.realchoicesclinic.com, or by calling Marcia Redmond (208) 660-3965.

Operation Christmas Child.  HBC participates with and supports OCC's mission "to demonstrate God's love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan's Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations." Shoebox gift workshops are hosted at HBC throughout the year and collected and delivered to collection centers in November.


The Lazarus House ministry currently operates two homes for men released from the jail who need a Christ-centered fresh start. For more information about Lazarus House, call Neal McClellan, (208) 699-7478.


Local nursing homes and retirement communities. HBC volunteers conduct worship services and studies at several locations in Kootenai County. For information, call the church office, (208) 772-2511.

Keith and Christine Klement are HBC members serving in rural church ministry in Montana in partnership with Rocky Mountain Bible Mission.

Nick and Sarah Picklesimer serve with Village Missions in Coram, Montana. Nick is the pastor of Canyon Community Church, and the entire family serves the Lord in a community of ranchers, farmers, and rural residents. In addition to the limitless responsibilities of pastoring, they home-school their four young children. Teams from HBC periodically visit Coram to help with construction projects, and to supply the Picklesimers with food and other needs for themselves and for the community.

Global Missions

Argentina: Eric and Danica Abisror are ministering to indigenous pastors and other church leaders in Cordoba, Argentina. They serve with Reaching & Teaching International Ministries. Eric served as an Associate (Youth) Pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Mt. Vernon, WA. The Abisrors have five boys: Josiah, Jackson, Isaac, Benjamin and Logan. They range in ages from 2- to 11-years old. Go to http://abisrorsabroad.com and abisrorfamily@reachingandteaching.org for more information.

ChinaDr. Rob and Noelani Cheeley head a global ministry, Bless China International that operates medical clinics in China, training pastors and church leaders in China, South America, and Africa, and caring for the poor. Rob is currently completing a book focusing on the practical implementation of biblical discipleship principles, and he also speaks at conferences and conducts discipleship training in local churches.

Europe. Mark and Andrea Davis are missionaries with Greater Europe Mission (GEM) currently serving in Girona, Spain. Go to: https://gemission.org/donatemissionary/mark-and-andrea-davis/ for more information.

India and Nepal (Project 92): Hayden Bible Church partners with Project 92 to support indigenous missionaries in Kerala, India; Delhi, India; and Nepal.


In Kerala, India, HBC supports two missionary training centers – the Agape Bible Institute, led by Pastor Johnson Mathew and his wife, Linda; and the Good Shepherd Bible Institute led by Pastor Saji Joseph and his wife, Jancy. These centers train indigenous missionaries to bring the gospel to remote areas in central Kerala. 


In Delhi, India, HBC supports the ministry of Pastor Nikhilesh Bhunia who leads the Ambassador Missionary Team of church planters. Pastor Nikhilesh and his wife, Sunita, have planted several churches in northern India.


In Nepal, HBC supports the ministry of Pastor Raj Kumar and the Good News Fellowship network of house churches. Pastor Raj and his wife, Paru, also have launched a mobile missionary training center to plant new churches in eastern Nepal. 

India (Harvest Mission College) of Greater Noida, India, equips men and women to be effective servants of God in the mission field as well to minister in the church. From humble beginnings, the college has built an educational program to equip and empower students to live out God’s purpose for their lives. Each year, dozens of graduates of the college return to their home countries in Asia to plant churches.

Indonesia (Ethnos 360). Evan and Nicole Garrett serve in aviation ministry in the Asia-Pacific region.

Middle EastLina Leger is a missionary kid whose family served in Papua New Guinea and later settled in north Idaho in 2001. She’s been serving in the Middle East with Operation Mobilization, doing evangelism and discipleship, assisting the local Arab church in their ministries, and leading/overseeing a bi-annual short term missions program for believers around the world to join her team in evangelism among locals.


Latin America. Alvin and Laurie Thompson, members at HBC, are missionaries with AVANT Ministries, working to train church leaders and missionaries for the Spanish-speaking world. Alvin has helped develop and teaches in the online programs of the Seminario Teológico Centroamericano (SETECA) in Guatemala City, Guatemala where he taught on campus for many years. Graduates of SETCA’s programs have been involved in ministries impacting over 30 countries around the world.

Mexico (Ethnos 360)Diego and Tammi Morales (and their five children) serve in Chiapas, the southern-most state in the world’s most populous Spanish-speaking country. Indigenous groups in Mexico speak 62 languages and make up 15 percent of the population. The majority of them live in the central and southern regions, where the Morales family serves.

Togo, West Africa (International Gospel Missions): Paul and Nicole Assignon work in the country of Togo. In addition to leading a church, they are also church

planters with a strong desire to reach their nation with the gospel. Paul and Nicole train leaders and operate a Bible Institute to equip pastors. They also invest in future leaders through youth programs and camps. The Assignons run a program to provide food and schooling for orphans and a program for widows. They hold Vacation Bible Schools, and plan to start a Christian day school if the Lord permits. Go to: http://www.igmgo.org for more information.

Persecuted church (RUN Ministries). Reaching Unreached Nations (RUN) Ministries exists to equip the local church: to rescue people, empower leaders, and multiply church movements. Since 2014 RUN Ministries has rescued, sheltered, and offered hope to more than 280,000 refugees from Iraq and Syria. Local teams provide food, shelter, and aid while sharing their faith in Christ. Since 1990 RUN Ministries has equipped and provided training for over one million persecuted church leaders as well as specialized ministries in some of the most restricted nations on earth. RUN also provides training to fuel healthy, reproducing church movements among unreached people. https://www.runministries.org/

Tanzania, East Africa (Faces for Hope [FFH]). Since 2007, Jack & Holly Stagge have been invited into tribes, villages, and "bomas" (a traditional Maasai home), as natives entrust them to hold their babies, drink their tea, and listen to their stories. Faces for Hope has been able to reach various corners of those communities, offering safety, security and love. By God's grace, FFH has been able to build two schools, a housing facility for sponsored Massai girls and provide opportunities for youth, and micro loans for local entrepreneurs. God has also provided new water storage systems to capture much needed water and a church that is distributing "living water." God's work through FFH has also touched and healed patients in medical clinics and protected young girls from the grip of child marriage.